Selected participants of the six previous editions of Hotel Paradise will visit paradise yet again. Those who are currently still single will go on a unique vacation and will have the opportunity to fight for love and big money once more.

Will this time be easier or more difficult for them on their way to the grand final? They already know the rules of this game, tested various strategies, learned from mistakes and sometimes rely on emotions, and sometimes on reason and cold calculation. However, will these experiences be helpful in the new look of Hotel Paradise? What they don't know is who they will spend the next weeks with - with their biggest rivals from the program, or with former partners with whom they haven't had the opportunity to clarify any former misunderstandings, or with participants from other editions whom they don't know that well? Will they focus on new relationships or return to their previous ones? Will old conflicts revive? Or maybe old feelings will return? Will they want to take advantage of the chance to fight for the love they are still looking for? How did their fate develop after the program and will it affect their mutual relations during their stay at the Paradise Hotel?