Małgorzata Rozenek has mastered the art of cleaning and organising home life to perfection. She quickly and efficiently solves the problems of people who cannot cope with housekeeping. The Polish "Perfect Housewife" will show viewers how to clean their apartments,  and make them functional and cosy with little effort and low costs.

Małgorzata Rozenek is the Polish "The Perfect Housewife". A worthy successor to Anthea Turner, she believes that cleaning is, above all, a way to improve well-being and quality of life. She knows many tricks that will make life easier for all housewives. She knows how to remove the most stubborn stains, clean the toilet with a can of Coca-Cola and fold a shirt so that it does not wrinkle during travel. The show will provide practical tips to those who work, study or are just starting to live independently.

"The Perfect Housewife" is not only for full-time housewives. Many people can’t cope with their household duties. They drown in piles of unnecessary tasks, struggle with stains on the carpet, and have trouble organising parties for their friends. "The Perfect Housewife" comes to their aid! She believes that you can always create a cosy and functional space. It doesn't matter whether you have a large estate, a small apartment in a block of flats or a house in the countryside. She proves that if you want a clean and well-organised home, you don't have to spend all day with a mop in your hand. Just follow a few simple tips from "The Perfect Housewife", then light some scented candles and enjoy your cosy nest. Easy? Watch the program, become a "Perfect Housewife" and organise your life!

Broadcast: TVN, Monday, 10.30 p.m.!