Brides face a dilemma - a new wedding dress or the old dress of their mother, grandmother or friend, with soul, history and sentiment. They have to make a choice – something new or something borrowed?

Experts will help them decide. The transformation of the old dress will be carried out by the designer Magdalena Socha-Włodarska, recognized by global wedding magazines and blogs. In her designs, she focuses on sensuality and nobility. Her clients are always beautifully dressed on their wedding day. In turn, the new dress will be selected by stylist Adam Chowański, who has been helping women rediscover themselves for almost ten years. He perfectly senses the style, chooses the colour and cut so that the women look beautiful and classy. He knows well that trends and clothes are not the most important thing in his work. The most important thing is the self-confidence that his clients gain.

However, the final choice must be made by the bride herself. The program hosts can only help and advise. Which option will the heroines of the program choose? Which of them will wear something new to their wedding and who will wear something borrowed?

The program aired on TLC Polska.